Monday, July 20, 2009

Shanghai - mission accomplished

Monday July 20 (China)/Sunday July 19 (Vancouver), 2009: It was nice when I landed to be greeted by my first email message, which was from Tesfaye, asking me how is China and telling me that he misses me. The next nice thing was that it did work out in the end that I could see Justin. We were able to coordinate meeting for seven or eight minutes after he checked in and we exited the baggae area. It was great to see him after 6 weeks or so, and he looked terrific. Unfortunately I will have to wait another week to hear some of his crazy and humorous stories told in his own inimitable style. After checking into our hotel we were driven to the Stylecraft Factory where we had some initial meetings with our partners and then went for a very nice "modern" Chinese cuisine dinner. My associates and I were fading rapidly by the end of dinner and couldn't wait to get to bed.

In the meantime, I did receive some regular updates from Nanci. On Sunday Erica came over for a 2 hour visit and met Tesfaye. I understand she will take him on an outing this week. The other unfortunate news that I heard was that Adam was badly bitten on the nose by our bird Mango; I just don't understand the "love/ hate" relationship they seem to have. Anyway, he went for a stitch, but is fine.

I am off to our Shanghai factory now. Later.

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